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our story

The vision for King's Kid was birthed in the hearts of Robert and Esther Mponye, a couple in Mityana, a town in Central Uganda.


King's Kid Ministries International (KKMI) began in the hearts and home of Robert and Esther Mponye in 2005. What started out small has developed by the power of the Holy Spirit into a broad ministry encompassing a network of church plants, a Bible School, children's homes, a primary school, vocational school, a children's choir  a medical clinic, evangelistic outreaches, farming and much more.


Before they married in June 2000, Robert and Esther Mponye had gone through the agony of losing parents and relatives while they were still young. They had been individually disturbed by the plight of many children in their community of Mityana, Uganda, who had been neglected or abandoned and had no one and nowhere to turn to for help. After their marriage, Robert and Esther founded Lifehouse Community Church (LCC) and stepped out in faith to minister to the needs of the vulnerable children and families in their community.  They had nothing but a small two-bedroom house where they started with a baby girl, whom they named Grace. Grace had been dumped in a 30-feet latrine by her mother, on the day she gave birth to her. Since then, God has used them to bring a smile and new opportunities to hundreds of children in their community.


Since King's Kid Home School (KKHS) was started in 2005 to shelter and educate children, it has undergone huge transformation in all areas, from increasing the number of children it accommodates, to improvements in the school facilities. Local initiatives designed to generate income to ensure a sustainable future for the ministry have also grown.


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